An external view
My vision is to develop organisations and professionals engaged with the creation of a free, healthy and sustainable world. To do so, through a systemic and psychodynamic approach to consultancy and research in organizations and societies
I take into practice the values of creativity, systems thinking, reflective citizenship, diversity, honesty and entrepreneurship integrating tradition and innovation through action research and action learning in organizational and social consultancy.
I integrate tradition and innovation through action research and action learning in organisational and social consultancy.
My aim is to find different ways to
improve your organisational perfomance and wellbeing.
I have a systemic approach to organizational development and change paying attention to organisational structures, roles and the resulting dynamics.
I can help you with organisational design, change management, leadership development, culture transformation, team building and employee engagement.
Toghether we will explore the way in which your organizational structures and procedures impact and shape your organisations behaviour and perfomance.
Have a look at my services below to get an idea of what I’ve worked on, how I implement my skills, and my approach from concept to execution. Reach out if you’d like to learn more about a specific project.
The Leadership Culture Survey answers questions like:
What is the leadership culture in our organisation?*
How is this affecting people’s engagement and organisational performance?
What is the gap between the leadership culture we have and the one we want?
How can we shift ‘the way we do things around here’?
These tools have a strong research base, integrating frameworks from psychology, leadership theory and spirituality, and their focus is developmental.
As such I feel it complement my current offers in Organisational Role Analysis, consultancy, group relations and leadership development.
My experience so far shows that this tool helps get to ‘the heart of the matter’ very quickly, and can generate important new conversations within your organisation
A useful method to create a shared vision and practical action plans among diverse parties; a space to devise a plan and gain commitment to implement a vision or strategy that exists but it is not being implemented; It initiates effective interventions on complex issues where no coordinating structure or shared vision exists. During Future Search Conferences I pay attention to the "whole system" as it is reflected in the conference. Exploring the same global context we generate an adequate environment for local action.
Toguether we will search the future and look for a shared ground rather than exploring current conflicts and problems. We will invite self-management and personal and collective accountability for action during and after the "Whole Systems Intervention".
This method has been implemented successfully at international settings helping people to make better communities and organizations. Its theoretical bacground is commited to democratic ideas embodied in Action Research tradition of Kurt Lewin. This tradition is enriched by Emery and Triest, Lippitt and Schindler - Rainman
A safe  space of  emotional containment to explore with freedom the complex dynamics of your professional life. I accompany you to think freely without prejudices about your work
I offer a wide range of individual and group interventions to accompany the development of leadership capacities. I accompany professionals to understand the explicit and rational as well as the implicit, irrational, forces affecting their roles.
I work with a diverse set of learning modalities including on-the-job assignments, outdoors workshops, organisational laboratories, experiential workshops and e-learning settings.
​I offer a variety of services to both individuals and groups, including: Role consultation and analysis and training workshops including day - aways, workshops, retreats and conferences.